The wait and A Muse on the Train
Alakananda Lal
Chapter from the book: Menon, N et al. 2023. Indian Electronic Literature Anthology: Volume I.
Chapter from the book: Menon, N et al. 2023. Indian Electronic Literature Anthology: Volume I.
A train journey with a window seat never fails to tinkle one’s imagination. The first poetry is all about the poet’s rekindling emotions over undertaking one such journey and contains descriptions of how the outside world seems different all through the way. The poet wonders what would have happened if all the windows had been turned into emergency exits. So many hearts, then, would have escaped to the different world they had viewed from the windows. The second poem, describes a journey but in a dissimilar form; a journey from innocence to experience and finding joy in discovering self. Human hearts possess an eternal craving for care, love, and belonging. Waiting for someone symbolizes this connection and prioritizes love. The poet in the same way had been waited for and faced waiting. But at last, she found the waiting worthwhile as she thanked herself for realizing her true self in that waiting.
Lal, A. 2023. The wait and A Muse on the Train. In: Menon, N et al (eds.), Indian Electronic Literature Anthology. Indore, India: Indian Institute of Technology – Knowledge Sharing in Publishing. DOI:
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Published on Dec. 13, 2023